EE - 456 / E01 spring 2003
Advanced Communications Theory
Professor: Arida
Submitted By:
Andrew Buettner
Steven Thomas
Lab #4: Spectral Measurement
Table Of Contents
1) Cover Page 1
2) Table of Contents 2
3) Objective 4
4) Components Used 4
5) Procedures 4
Lab Data / Results 5
1) Diagram 1 5
2) Diagram 2 6
3) Diagram 3 6
4) Diagram 4 7
5) Diagram 5 7
6) Diagram 6 8
7) Diagram 7 8
8) Diagram 8 9
9) Diagram 9 9
10) Diagram 10 10
11) Diagram 10 10
12) Diagram 10 11
13) Diagram 10 11
14) Diagram 10 12
15) Diagram 10 12
16) Diagram 10 13
17) Diagram 10 13
18) Diagram 10 14
19) Diagram 10 14
20) Diagram 10 15
21) Diagram 10 15
7) Answers to Lab Questions 16
8) Conclusions 16
Table Of Contents (Continued)
9) Attachments 16
This lab will investigate the use of the Fast Fourrier Transform to derive the spectra of an arbitrary signal in discrete time. For some of the transforms, windowing will be employed to reduce spectral leakage.
Components Used
1) Computer running Octave
2) Digital sampling board
3) Oscilloscope #
4) Function Generator #
1) Generate a sixteen sample sine wave where w = ws/4 using "x=cos(2*ip*n/4);" where "n=0:15"
2) Plot the function.
3) Using fft, generate and plot X, the Fourrier transform of the signal.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 for frequencies ws/8, ws/16, and ws/2.
5) Describe the difference for the last case where w = ws/2.
6) Generate a signal where w = 2.1*p/4.
7) Repeat steps 2 and 3.
8) Illustrate the spectral leakage.
9) Apply a Hamming window to the time-domain signal using "x2=x.*hamming(16);"
10) Plot the new signal.
11) Generate and plot the spectrum of the new signal.
12) Explain the difference.
13) Set the function generator to generate a 25KHz signal.
14) Enter command "ssrat(100000)"
15) Enter command "x=ad(100);" to capture 100 samples.
16) Find and plot the resulting spectrum, it should be similar to the spectrum of the signal where w = ws/4.
17) Generate a signal using the following commands:
a) X=zeros(1,16);
b) X(2) = 1;
c) X(16)=1;
d) x=real(ifft(X));
18) Plot X.
19) Plot x.
20) Realize the signal using the following commands:
a) ssrat(100000)
b) x=8192.*x;
c) da(x)
21) Record the resulting waveform.
22) Find the frequency of the resulting signal, it should be near 6KHz.
23) Create an array X that contains the spectrum to an AM signal where wc = ws/8, wm = ws/64, and m=.75.
24) Plot the spectra.
25) Generate a time-domain signal from the spectra.
26) Plot the time-domain signal.
27) Realize the signal.
28) Record the resulting waveform.
Lab Data / Results
1) Diagram 1: ws/4 time-domain signal:
2) Diagram 2: ws/4 spectrum:
3) Diagram 3: ws/8 signal:
4) Diagram
4: ws/8 spectrum:
5) Diagram 5: ws/16 signal:
6) Diagram
6: ws/16 spectrum:
7) Diagram 7: ws/2 signal:
8) Diagram
8: ws/2 spectrum:
9) Diagram 9: 2.1p/4 signal:
10) Diagram
10: 2.1p/4 spectrum:
11) Diagram 11: Hamming signal:
12) Diagram
12: Hamming signal spectrum:
13) Diagram 13: ws/4 real signal
14) Diagram
14: ws/4 captured
15) Diagram 15: ws/4 signal spectrum:
16) Diagram
16: Generated signal spectrum:
17) Diagram 17: Generated signal:
18) Diagram
18: Realized signal: (F Z
19) Diagram 19: AM time domain signal:
20) Diagram
20: AM signal spectrum:
21) Diagram 21: Realized AM signal:
Answers to Lab Questions
1) Q: Given a 1024 sample spectrum, X, where X(24) = 100 and X(108) = 200, where would the complimentary peaks be in the array?
A: X(1001)=100; X(917)=200;
2) Q: What would the time-domain signal be for the spectrum in Q1?
A: x=102*cos(2*pi*23*n/1024) + 204*cos(2*pi*107*n/1024); n=0:1024;
3) Q: Implement a frequency-domain low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 6.4KHz where the sampling rate is 25.6KHz, include the capture and reproduction.
A: 1) x=ad(100);
2) X=fft(X);
3) H=ones(1,100);
4) H(26:75)=zeros(1,50);
5) Y=H.*X;
6) y=real(ifft(Y));
7) da(y);
This lab has demonstrated the ability of the Fast Fourrier Transform to transform a signal from the time-domain to the frequency domain. Also, this lab has demonstrated the ability of the hamming window to reduce spectral leakage. The hamming window did not, however, totally eliminate spectral leakage. Also, the AM spectrum looks to be in error. I believe the reason that the AM spectrum looks incorrect is that the amplitude of m, which was arbitrarily set at .8, happened to be in the slope of the carrier, and therefore, the point did not show. For review of signal spectrum generation, please see the log portion of the attachments.
Original lab handout
Original lab data
Octave® log
GNU Octave, version 2.1.31 (i586-pc-cygwin).
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 John W. Eaton.
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details, type `warranty'.
*** This is a development version of Octave. Development releases
*** are provided for people who want to help test, debug, and improve
*** Octave.
*** If you want a stable, well-tested version of Octave, you should be
*** using one of the stable releases (when this development release
*** was made, the latest stable version was 2.0.16).
octave:1> n=0:15;
octave:2> x = cos(2*pi*n/8);
octave:3> x = cos(2*pi*n/4);
octave:4> plot (x)
octave:5> X =fft(x);
octave:6> plot(abs(X));
octave:7> x = cos(2*pi*n/8);
octave:8> plot (x)
octave:9> X =fft(x);
octave:10> plot(abs(X));
octave:11> x = cos(2*pi*n/16);
octave:12> plot (x)
octave:13> X =fft(x);
octave:14> plot(abs(X));
octave:15> x = cos(2*pi*n/2);
octave:16> plot (x)
octave:17> X =fft(x);
octave:18> plot(abs(X));
octave:19> x = cos(2.1*pi*n/4);
octave:20> plot (x)
octave:21> X =fft(x);
octave:22> plot(abs(X));
octave:23> x2=x.*hamming(16)';
octave:24> plot(x2)
octave:25> X2 =fft(x2);
octave:26> plot(abs(X2));
octave:27> fir(1)
1 coefficients
Max = 1.000000
Scale factor = 4.000000
Scale shift = 2
float hex
b[0] = 1.0000 4000
octave:28> x=ad(100);
k = 100
octave:29> plot(x)
octave:30> x=fft(X);
error: `X' undefined near line 30 column 7
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
error: evaluating index expression near line 30, column 3
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 30, column 2
octave:30> X=fft(x);
octave:31> plot(abs(X))
octave:32> X=zeros(1,16);
octave:33> X(2)=1;
octave:34> X(16)=1;
octave:35> x=real(ifft(X));
octave:36> plot(abs(X))
octave:37> plot(x)
octave:38> x=8192.*x;
octave:39> da(x)
k = 16
x[0] = 1024.000000
x[1] = 946.052612
x[2] = 724.077332
x[3] = 391.867828
x[4] = 0.000000
x[5] = -391.867828
x[6] = -724.077332
x[7] = -946.052612
x[8] = -1024.000000
x[9] = -946.052612
x[10] = -724.077332
x[11] = -391.867828
x[12] = 0.000000
x[13] = 391.867828
x[14] = 724.077332
x[15] = 946.052612
xint[0] = 1024
xint[1] = 946
xint[2] = 724
xint[3] = 391
xint[4] = 0
xint[5] = -391
xint[6] = -724
xint[7] = -946
xint[8] = -1024
xint[9] = -946
xint[10] = -724
xint[11] = -391
xint[12] = 0
xint[13] = 391
xint[14] = 724
xint[15] = 946
octave:40> AM=zeros(1,64);
octave:41> AM(9)=1.5;
octave:42> AM(57)=1.5;
octave:43> AM(8)=.8;
octave:44> AM(10)=.8;
octave:45> AM(56)=.8;
octave:46> AM(58)=.8;
octave:47> am=real(ifft(AM));
octave:48> plot(am)
octave:49> plot(AM)
octave:50> da(am)
k = 64
x[0] = 0.096875
x[1] = 0.068331
x[2] = 0.000000
x[3] = -0.066979
x[4] = -0.093069
x[5] = -0.064326
x[6] = 0.000000
x[7] = 0.060476
x[8] = 0.082230
x[9] = 0.055575
x[10] = 0.000000
x[11] = -0.049812
x[12] = -0.066009
x[13] = -0.043409
x[14] = 0.000000
x[15] = 0.036611
x[16] = 0.046875
x[17] = 0.029680
x[18] = 0.000000
x[19] = -0.022883
x[20] = -0.027741
x[21] = -0.016479
x[22] = 0.000000
x[23] = 0.010716
x[24] = 0.011520
x[25] = 0.005816
x[26] = 0.000000
x[27] = -0.001965
x[28] = -0.000681
x[29] = 0.000687
x[30] = 0.000000
x[31] = -0.002039
x[32] = -0.003125
x[33] = -0.002039
x[34] = 0.000000
x[35] = 0.000687
x[36] = -0.000681
x[37] = -0.001965
x[38] = 0.000000
x[39] = 0.005816
x[40] = 0.011520
x[41] = 0.010716
x[42] = 0.000000
x[43] = -0.016479
x[44] = -0.027741
x[45] = -0.022883
x[46] = 0.000000
x[47] = 0.029680
x[48] = 0.046875
x[49] = 0.036611
x[50] = 0.000000
x[51] = -0.043409
x[52] = -0.066009
x[53] = -0.049812
x[54] = 0.000000
x[55] = 0.055575
x[56] = 0.082230
x[57] = 0.060476
x[58] = 0.000000
x[59] = -0.064326
x[60] = -0.093069
x[61] = -0.066979
x[62] = 0.000000
x[63] = 0.068331
xint[0] = 0
xint[1] = 0
xint[2] = 0
xint[3] = 0
xint[4] = 0
xint[5] = 0
xint[6] = 0
xint[7] = 0
xint[8] = 0
xint[9] = 0
xint[10] = 0
xint[11] = 0
xint[12] = 0
xint[13] = 0
xint[14] = 0
xint[15] = 0
xint[16] = 0
xint[17] = 0
xint[18] = 0
xint[19] = 0
xint[20] = 0
xint[21] = 0
xint[22] = 0
xint[23] = 0
xint[24] = 0
xint[25] = 0
xint[26] = 0
xint[27] = 0
xint[28] = 0
xint[29] = 0
xint[30] = 0
xint[31] = 0
xint[32] = 0
xint[33] = 0
xint[34] = 0
xint[35] = 0
xint[36] = 0
xint[37] = 0
xint[38] = 0
xint[39] = 0
xint[40] = 0
xint[41] = 0
xint[42] = 0
xint[43] = 0
xint[44] = 0
xint[45] = 0
xint[46] = 0
xint[47] = 0
xint[48] = 0
xint[49] = 0
xint[50] = 0
xint[51] = 0
xint[52] = 0
xint[53] = 0
xint[54] = 0
xint[55] = 0
xint[56] = 0
xint[57] = 0
xint[58] = 0
xint[59] = 0
xint[60] = 0
xint[61] = 0
xint[62] = 0
xint[63] = 0
octave:51> am=8192.*am;
octave:52> da(am)
k = 64
x[0] = 793.599976
x[1] = 559.765259
x[2] = 0.000000
x[3] = -548.688538
x[4] = -762.421082
x[5] = -526.960693
x[6] = 0.000000
x[7] = 495.416748
x[8] = 673.630920
x[9] = 455.268921
x[10] = 0.000000
x[11] = -408.060089
x[12] = -540.747131
x[13] = -355.604431
x[14] = 0.000000
x[15] = 299.917786
x[16] = 384.000000
x[17] = 243.140213
x[18] = 0.000000
x[19] = -187.453583
x[20] = -227.252869
x[21] = -134.997925
x[22] = 0.000000
x[23] = 87.789085
x[24] = 94.369064
x[25] = 47.641262
x[26] = 0.000000
x[27] = -16.097321
x[28] = -5.578943
x[29] = 5.630523
x[30] = 0.000000
x[31] = -16.707281
x[32] = -25.600000
x[33] = -16.707281
x[34] = 0.000000
x[35] = 5.630523
x[36] = -5.578943
x[37] = -16.097321
x[38] = 0.000000
x[39] = 47.641262
x[40] = 94.369064
x[41] = 87.789085
x[42] = 0.000000
x[43] = -134.997925
x[44] = -227.252869
x[45] = -187.453583
x[46] = 0.000000
x[47] = 243.140213
x[48] = 384.000000
x[49] = 299.917786
x[50] = 0.000000
x[51] = -355.604431
x[52] = -540.747131
x[53] = -408.060089
x[54] = 0.000000
x[55] = 455.268921
x[56] = 673.630920
x[57] = 495.416748
x[58] = 0.000000
x[59] = -526.960693
x[60] = -762.421082
x[61] = -548.688538
x[62] = 0.000000
x[63] = 559.765259
xint[0] = 793
xint[1] = 559
xint[2] = 0
xint[3] = -548
xint[4] = -762
xint[5] = -526
xint[6] = 0
xint[7] = 495
xint[8] = 673
xint[9] = 455
xint[10] = 0
xint[11] = -408
xint[12] = -540
xint[13] = -355
xint[14] = 0
xint[15] = 299
xint[16] = 384
xint[17] = 243
xint[18] = 0
xint[19] = -187
xint[20] = -227
xint[21] = -134
xint[22] = 0
xint[23] = 87
xint[24] = 94
xint[25] = 47
xint[26] = 0
xint[27] = -16
xint[28] = -5
xint[29] = 5
xint[30] = 0
xint[31] = -16
xint[32] = -25
xint[33] = -16
xint[34] = 0
xint[35] = 5
xint[36] = -5
xint[37] = -16
xint[38] = 0
xint[39] = 47
xint[40] = 94
xint[41] = 87
xint[42] = 0
xint[43] = -134
xint[44] = -227
xint[45] = -187
xint[46] = 0
xint[47] = 243
xint[48] = 384
xint[49] = 299
xint[50] = 0
xint[51] = -355
xint[52] = -540
xint[53] = -408
xint[54] = 0
xint[55] = 455
xint[56] = 673
xint[57] = 495
xint[58] = 0
xint[59] = -526
xint[60] = -762
xint[61] = -548
xint[62] = 0
xint[63] = 559